Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Finally something new!!!!

So, I (Karla) have decided that it is about high time that we posted something new on this blog. I know we are probably the worst people to keep our blog updated but really our lives aren't that interesting.

As most of you know I am pregnant and I have been feeling amazing. I have been so blessed to not be sick throughout the whole pregnancy so far. The tiredness is finally starting to go away but people keep telling me that it will only get worse in a couple of months. I am five months along already and it is hard to believe that I am pretty well half way through this whole stomach enlarging experience. We went for an ultrasound yesterday and just so everyone knows we decided not to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. Everything looks good so far but the baby was not in a good position and so they and we couldn't see the face just the back of the head. Needless to say the pictures we got from the ultrasound are not the nicest and mainly contain the spine and back of the head. I will try to post a picture of that and a picture of myself once I am home and can work the scanner.

My parents came out for the last couple of days and they and Brad worked hard at getting the baby room redone. We painted, put in new floor, new baseboards and casings. It looks awesome now and I am super excited to put everything back into the room as soon as the baseboards are nailed in. Thanks to everyone for your hard work. I can't really take credit for anything other than keeping out of their hair because I was at work.

Well that's about it for now. I will post pictures as I said before when I am at home. Hopefully I can get everything working.


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