A Certain Cure for Busyness
Publicly post half of your tasks and announce that you will no longer be doing them. Within a week you’ll discover:
a) others will be doing those tasks;
b) no one is doing them, but they didn’t need to be done after all; or
c) you’re fired—which frees you to find a job that’s less busy.
Go through an entire day without a pager, phone, cell-phone, voicemail, email, answering machine, and watch. By the end of the day you’ll discover:
a) human contact is pleasant and valuable;
b) people appreciate your laid-back approach; or
c) you’re fired—which frees you to find a job that’s less busy.
Practice saying “no” in front of a mirror until it’s natural and convincing. You’ll discover:
a) a sense of empowerment over your life;
b) the humble realization that you are not the Messiah; or
c) you’re fired—which frees you to find a job that’s less busy.
Fall from a stepladder and sustain moderate injuries. While recuperating in the hospital you’ll discover:
a) most of your deadlines were self-imposed and unnecessary;
b) the value of admitting your limitations and receiving help; or
c) you’re fired—which frees you to find a job that’s less busy.
written by Ryan Ahlgrim (pastor of First Mennonite Church, Indianapolis, Indiana)