Christmas Time
Carter's seventh month of life held more smiles (as always) and a love of food. At first he wasn't too keen on eating but now he gobbles his food down. I am always surprised at how much he can eat sometimes. I just started giving him some pureed fruit and he just loves that (I don't blame him after always getting cereal and vegetables).
Carter was also quite sick this December. After his six month shots at the beginning of the month he came down with a fever and then proceeded to get a bad cold (along with an ear infection and eye infection), which he later passed on to both Brad and I. We have now just ended that sickness (it seemed like it lasted forever). Tomorrow Carter has a doctor's appointment to see if the fluid is still in his ears (which I think it is because he is still pulling them). Then in the middle of January we are off to the pediatric eye doctor to get Carter's eye checked out. You can usually tell in pictures that his left eye turns in a bit. It isn't like that all the time but you can definitely tell that something is not quite normal. Anyways, we are not sure where the ear and eye thing will go, but we are hoping that it isn't too serious. That is about all the news for this month I think so on to the pictures.
if i have another kid - Heather better make one of those vests for me - i just LOVED Carter's on Sunday! he was such a good boy in the nursery!! :)
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